RAGBRAI visited Waterville on July 29th,2017
We had a period of about 5 hours that the population in town grew from approximately 145 people to an estimated 15,000. It was an exciting day and we were so pleased that so many volunteers turned out to help us with our planned program for Ragbrai Day in Waterville.
Volunteers had the opportunity to visit with riders from all over the world and probably every state. The experience was rewarding to say the least. Following is a pictorial summary of Ragbrai day for everyone to enjoy.

The Fire and Ambulance worked together to provide one of the breakfast stops for the riders. Anticipating up to as many as 5000 riders to stop several months of planning, Ragbrai day was almost here. They were set up the night before just waiting for the crowd

Almost 200 volunteers joined the Emergency Service members to serve the Ragbrai riders

As the morning progressed the crowd continued to grow, the bike traffic on the road eventually made it necessary to walk the bikes with the crowd. On the lower section of town we also had vendors set up to help serve the amount of bike riders we were expecting. The pictures from the lower intersection give you some idea of the crowd that visited Waterville for Ragbrai day.

There were many volunteers who helped us out, it is hard to be sure everyone gets acknowledged. The ladies from the Old East and West Church's, Rossville Presbyterian, Waterville Library board and some of the local Amish community. Along with many more who volunteered to make sure the day was a success.

A special group that met almost weekly for 6 months to make plans for this overwhelming task in Waterville. Also thanks to our Mascot, Mr. Sashquatch

We do still have Waterville T-Shirts, if you want one you can contact us, or feel free to order with your pay pal account. Shirts are also available at the Winchester and Paint Creek Soaps.

Caught fishing in Paint Creek again without a trout stamp
Main Street Pride
The Main Street Pride committee was endorsed by the City Council to work on special projects that will take the initiative to make improvments in the appearance of our small city. The RAGBRAI project this year is the work of this committee. All funds to pay the start up expenses are being taken care of by sponsor fees that local and area business's have contributed, those sponsors names will be shown on the back of the t-shirts. With these sponsor fee's we will be able to purchase the initial t-shirts to sell and cover some of our other expenses. Our t-shirt sales and sponsor fee's covered the expense's incurred to make Ragbrai a success. This committee is reorganized now to continue to work on projects that will help Waterville as a town as well as the business owners and citizens that elect to call Waterville home today. Anyone that wants to join this organization or would like information on you can help with our projects can contact us by either of the emails address's shown below.